Letter L

libde265 - Open H.265 video codec implementation

Website: https://www.libde265.org/
License: LGPLv3+
Vendor: RPM Fusion
libde265 is an open source implementation of the H.265 video codec.
It is written from scratch for simplicity and efficiency. Its simple
API makes it easy to integrate it into other software.


libde265-1.0.5-4.fc32.i686 [342 KiB] Changelog by Leigh Scott (2020-03-12):
- Rebuilt for i686
libde265-1.0.5-4.fc32.x86_64 [328 KiB] Changelog by Leigh Scott (2020-03-12):
- Rebuilt for i686

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-9.fc26